What is the process of making sawdust biochar briquette


The process of making sawdust biochar briquettes is a sophisticated method of transforming wood residues into a valuable, sustainable fuel source. This procedure not only helps in waste management but also provides an eco-friendly alternative to traditional fossil fuels. The process involves several steps, including the collection and preparation of raw materials, carbonization, briquetting, and final drying. This passage will outline the detailed process of making sawdust biochar briquettes.

Raw Material Collection and Preparation

Gathering Sawdust

The initial step involves collecting sawdust from various sources such as sawmills, carpentry shops, and forestry operations. It is essential to ensure that the sawdust is free from contaminants like stones, metal pieces, and dirt to achieve high-quality biochar briquettes.

Drying the Sawdust

The collected sawdust needs to be dried to reduce its moisture content. Ideally, the moisture content should be below 15% for efficient carbonization and briquetting. This can be achieved by spreading the sawdust in a thin layer under the sun or using a mechanical dryer. Properly dried sawdust ensures the production of high-quality biochar.

Carbonization Process

Setting Up the Carbonization Kiln

The carbonization process transforms sawdust into biochar by heating it in a low-oxygen environment. This can be done using a specialized carbonization kiln or a traditional earth mound kiln. The kiln should be preheated to the desired temperature before adding the sawdust.

Loading and Heating

Once the kiln is ready, load the dried sawdust into it, ensuring an even distribution. Seal the kiln to restrict airflow and heat the sawdust to temperatures between 300°C and 500°C. This pyrolysis process decomposes the sawdust into biochar, releasing volatile gases and moisture.

Cooling and Collecting Biochar

After the carbonization process is complete, allow the biochar to cool gradually in the kiln. Rapid cooling can cause the biochar to become brittle and break apart. Once cooled, collect the biochar and remove any large, uncarbonized particles.

Briquetting Process

Grinding the Biochar

To ensure uniform briquette quality, grind the biochar into a fine powder using a hammer mill or grinder. Fine particles enhance the binding process and result in dense, durable briquettes.

Adding Binders (Optional)

While biochar can sometimes be briquetted without additional binders, adding natural binders like starch, molasses, or clay can improve the binding properties and briquette strength. Mix the binder with water and combine it with the biochar powder to form a consistent paste.

Using a Briquette Press

Load the biochar paste into a briquette press or extruder. This equipment compresses the mixture into uniform shapes, typically cylindrical or rectangular briquettes. The high pressure and mechanical action bind the biochar particles together, forming solid briquettes.

Drying and Packaging

Drying the Briquettes

After the briquetting process, the briquettes need to be dried to reduce moisture content further. Spread the briquettes in a well-ventilated area under direct sunlight or use a mechanical dryer. Proper drying enhances the briquettes’ combustion properties and longevity.

Packaging and Storage

Once dried, package the briquettes in moisture-proof bags or containers. This prevents re-absorption of moisture and ensures the briquettes remain in good condition. Store the packaged briquettes in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and moisture.


The process of making sawdust biochar briquettes involves several well-coordinated steps, from raw material collection and preparation through carbonization, briquetting, and final drying. By following each step meticulously, one can produce high-quality biochar briquettes that serve as an efficient and sustainable fuel source. This method not only helps in managing sawdust waste but also contributes to environmental conservation by providing an eco-friendly alternative to traditional fuels. Visiting: https://www.char-molder.com/product/sawdust-briquette-charcoal-making-machine/


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